Latest Movies 2019 | TMNT: 10 Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses | ScreenRant

It's sort of ridiculous to imagine the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles attending classes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry alongside Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, but the four have done stranger things. Is training to be a ninja really so far from wizardry, particularly when dealing with the Dark Arts, handling cranky teachers who dole out the tough love on a regular basis and battling evil in general?

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If Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo ever did end up in an AU where they don wizards' robes and head to Ollivander's to test out wands, they might find themselves sorted into Houses that keep the brothers away from each other during their studies. Here's how the sorting hat would separate them.

10 Splinter: Ravenclaw

Splinter probably belongs at Hogwarts more than anyone, from his sensei status to the fact that he's practically an Animagus who got stuck in between two worlds, which would be an interesting plot to explore in the Harry Potter universe. Splinter is an obvious Ravenclaw to the point where he has a plan for his plan.

Meditating before making tough decisions is Splinter's specialty, and despite his bravery, he doesn't rush into battle without a plan if he can avoid it. Splinter always has words of wisdom to dish out to his sons and has always thought everything out, no matter what it is.

9 The Shredder: Slytherin

Oroku Saki is a Slytherin no matter which origin story we're using, constantly working to end the turtles and their master with his Foot Clan. Even when he's out to avenge his brother, Oroku Nagi, who was taken down by Splinter's owner, Hamato Yoshi, he still ends up pursuing the path of evil.

Like many Slytherins, he's also able to literally and figuratively resurrect into power again, making him a formidable foe, even when it seems as if the turtles have won for the day. Like Voldemort, he doesn't always follow the same line of thought as his allies, preferring his own selfish goals. This puts him at odds with Krang often.

8 April O'Neal: Gryffindor

Always chasing the latest story, April O'Neal could fall into the Slytherin camp, given that she's so ambitious and constantly pursuing her own goals. She's also a loyal friend, however, and she doesn't have a terrible mind, which could place her into both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

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April is as brave as any of the turtles, however, and will head straight into danger, especially if it gives her the story she's after, without any regard for personal safety, something that makes her a true Gryffindor. April will charge in and ask questions later, literally so she CAN ask the tough questions (and get the scoop).

7 Michelangelo: Hufflepuff

Michaelangelo's not the brightest of the bunch, nor is he always loyal to anything but his stomach sometimes, but he's often the unwitting glue that holds the turtles together. Michelangelo might joke around a lot, but it diffuses the tension, and he would ultimately do anything for his brothers or his Master. He's as brave as anyone, but he's also all heart, and he's such an inclusive guy that he'll invite anyone into the gang with open arms when his brothers might be warier.

While Michaelangelo accepts everyone as they are, he also has a strong sense of right and wrong akin to many Hufflepuffs, which sometimes serves him well but also can narrow his view.

6 Donatello: Ravenclaw

Among the turtles, Donatello is the biggest Ravenclaw who ever Ravenclawed. He's constantly tinkering, thinking about things and even getting so lost in his own thoughts that he's akin to The Nutty Professor. He's not quick with the quips and comebacks like his brothers, but he gets his own dorky jokes and that's enough for him.

Donatello is the brains behind the turtles and often saves them from certain doom just by analyzing a situation or, more often, a gadget or creature, and calculating what needs to be done, whether it's some quick programming or the odds as they stand.

5 Bebop: Slytherin

If the clumsy villain Bebop found himself in the world of Harry Potter, he'd end up in Slytherin, but he certainly wouldn't be one of the more prolific wizards like Draco Malfoy or Bellatrix Lestrange. Instead, he'd become a lackey to such a wizard, and a mindless sort of one at that, more akin to Crabbe and Goyle than, say, Pansy Parkinson or Blaise Zambini.

Bebop doesn't think very well for himself, but he's always happy to get his hands dirty. He's not very brave, either, and his loyalty ends where his value for his own life begins, making him prime Slytherin material.

4 Krang: Slytherin

Is there any doubt that the evil mastermind Krang is anything but a Slytherin? Whether he's focused on getting a new body for himself or orchestrating the demise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Krang is always after the same thing: looking out for number one.

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Krang really is the worst. The warlord was banished from his own Dimension X due to his abuse of power and he will do anything to get it back and then some. He won't be happy until he's ruling everything, everywhere; although he's more like Thanos than anyone, he's pretty much the Voldemort of TMNT.

3 Leonardo: Hufflepuff

Usually presented as the turtles' leader who prefers to follow the rules and be loyal above all else, Leonardo is the Hufflepuff who will have your back. While he wouldn't be one of the students to automatically shun Harry just because the Daily Prophet says he should, he would definitely stand by his friend if he already knew Harry prior to the rumors.

Leo isn't afraid of hard work, and while he's as brave as his brothers he doesn't make barging in and saving the day his top priority. He's more prone to follow Master Splinter's orders.

2 Casey Jones: Gryffindor

Casey Jones is the ultimate stereotypical Gryffindor who blazes in all for the glory. He's got vulnerabilities, but he sure doesn't want anyone to know about them and will become defensive, even combative, when pressed about them.

While he's definitely a tough ally you'd welcome on your side during a battle, Casey isn't a thinker, and he shouldn't be trusted making the plans. He's just as liable to get your group into trouble than to get you out of it, and he'll likely consider it a grand adventure rather than the near-death experience it really was.

1 Raphael: Slytherin

Raphael is often known to put his own needs before the whole team's, making him a Slytherin. He's quite ambitious, sometimes even believing himself more capable than he truly is, and he pretty much eschews rules on the regular, even openly disdaining them on occasion.

Raphael might be rougher around the edges than many "pretty" Slytherins prefer to be, and his secondary House is likely Gryffindor, but he's got too big of an ego and too much of a crafty steak that helps him circumvent the rules to be anything but a Slytherin. He's sarcastic and doesn't seem to care, but he ultimately wants to prove himself more than any of his brothers.

NEXT: Harry Potter: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Secondary Houses

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